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from py4web import URL, action, request

from .common import session
from .components.starrater import StarRater

class MyStarRater(StarRater):
    def get_stars(self, id=None):
        """Gets the number of stars for a given id."""
        # This is a test implementation; it should be over-ridden.
        # 0 means no stars set.
        return dict(num_stars=int(id) % 6)

    def set_stars(self, id=None):
        """Sets the number of stars."""
        print("Number of stars of item", id, "set to:", int(request.json["num_stars"]))
        return "ok"

star_rater = MyStarRater("star_rater", session)

@action("star_rater_get_posts", method=["GET"])
def star_rater_get_posts():
    posts = [
        {"id": 1, "content": "Hello there"},
        {"id": 2, "content": "I love you"},
        {"id": 3, "content": "Do you love me too?"},
    for p in posts:
        # Creates the callback URL for each rater.
        p["stars_callback_url"] = star_rater.url(p["id"])
    return dict(posts=posts)

@action("vue_star_rater", method=["GET"])
@action.uses("vue/star_rater_vue_bulma.html", star_rater)
def vue_star_rater():
    return dict(get_posts_url=URL("star_rater_get_posts"))


[[extend 'layout_bulma.html']]

[[block page_head]]
<link rel="stylesheet" href="components/starrater/starrater.css">

<div id="vue">
  <div class="section">
  <div v-for="post in posts" class="box">
      <starrater :url="post.stars_callback_url">

[[block page_scripts]]
  // URL for loading the posts.
  let get_posts_url = "[[=XML(get_posts_url)]]";
<script src="components-bulma/starrater/starrater.js"></script>
<script src="js/star_rater_vue.js"></script>